So...I purchased a copy of THIS today...
You just have no idea how Cameron gets into my head. I Couldn't. Stop. Thinking. About. It, until it got too much and I had to go buy a copy.
Anyway, I've decided I absolutely LOVE this song. No, I's totally my own opinion, and unaffected by anything or anyone else. I've come to this conclusion 100% by myself.
If anyone else was watching Video Hits this past Sunday though, you would have heard Stupid Axle, say THIS about it:
"I don't rate this track at all. I think he's the UK's answer to Millsy".
And that totally brainwashed me into thinking I hated it. Thank GOD (literally) that it's actually OK to love it.
(PS - I think we're having a Brian-O-Vation soon!)
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